MPavilion (24 01 24)

PLANKS: Block building


Queen Victoria Gardens
Opposite National Gallery of Victoria View map

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Queen Victoria Gardens
Courtesy of the collaborator

Do you have a budding or experienced engineer, architect or artist in your family? Green Hat Workshop presents PLANKS, an exciting educational, open-ended block-play activity where kids can use our 25,000 wooden blocks to freely create, build and construct. Working alone or in a group, children can use symmetry and pattern to construct cantilevers, towers, walls, bridges, and any other architectural elements and designs they can think of. Rich in creativity and problem-solving, a PLANKS workshop benefits children by encouraging important cognitive and social skills such as communication, collaboration and negotiation while also enhancing fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination as they play with the principles of physics and have a go at being as creative as they like.

Kids must be accompanied at all times by a guardian.


Green Hat Workshop has specialised for almost 20 years in creative and playful learning experiences involving wooden blocks and ‘Loose Parts’. Working mainly in schools around Victoria, they also run play experiences in galleries, corporate settings and in public spaces across Australia. The Green Hat Workshop team advocates for a self-directed, playful approach to learning and the provision of free, multi-ability public play and authentically-centred public spaces.

Wominjeka (Welcome). We acknowledge the people of the Eastern Kulin Nation as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which MPavilion stands. We pay our respects to their Elders, past and present – and recognise they have been creating, telling stories and caring for Country for thousands of generations.

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