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City Stories – Designing Inclusive Urban Space
Free, bookings recommended
Queen Victoria Gardens
Opposite National Gallery of Victoria View map
This event is now complete. If you want to revisit the talk, visit our Library, or subscribe to the MPavilion podcast via iTunes, Pocketcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever else you get your podcasts.

Intimate insights into the everyday give new nuance to the collective experience of the city
A city can be a very different place from one perspective to the next. This talk looks at inclusive design through a series of personal lenses. It’s led by Caroline Bos, Co-Founder and Principal Urban Planner of UNStudio—a company that’s been on mission to make a positive societal impact through design and architecture since 1988.
Her panel will be informed by a series of ‘urban explorations’—one-on-one sessions where Caroline will be guided through Melbourne/Naarm by people from diverse backgrounds who’ll help her connect to city through their eyes. These experiences will form foundations for wide-ranging discussions about the ways lived experience can inform inclusive urban design. There’ll also be an informal post-panel Q&A where attendees can keep adding to the topics and pushing the discussion forward.
If you’re interested in taking part in one of the ‘urban explorations’ and joining the panel, register your interest below.